FAQ's about SIP Trunking

Common Topics

Why is my callerID being identified as Spam?

- Technical Support

When calling someone, if your callerID is being tagged as "Spam Caller" or "Possible Spam Caller" on mobile devices, there are several reasons for this.

- Mobile devices will use various databases online to match callerID (number portion of your callerID) to check whether people have reported it as spam. The reporting may be accurate or inaccurate, and there are several databases out there. The person you are calling may have a custom app installed to identify spam calls, or in some cases the device itself may use a database by default. In this case, there is nothing your provider (in this case IXICA) can do to assist. Generally in time the issue would fix itself as databases are updated.

Samsung devices use a service called Hiya. Updating your information with Hiya may help resolve many issues. Hiya is a third party service and not in any way associated with IXICA. You can get more details at https://www.hiya.com

- In North America STIR/Shaken is in place with most carriers. If you are sending an incorrect callerID format (number portion), it could cause the recipient of the call to see it as Spam.

- STIR/Shaken also checks to ensure the callerID being presented is legitimate. If you are showing a number that is not assigned to you by your carrier (in this case IXICA), it may also be identified as "possible Spam". These are recent industry standard changes and regulatory requirements carriers follow.

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